You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘writer humor’ tag.

Help us get to RWA Nationals buy purchasing any of the following slogans as T-shirts, Notebooks, Mousepads, Mugs and other fun stuff! For every product bought, $2 goes to the GET THEM TO NATIONALS FUND!

They make great writer’s gifts, giveaways and badges of honor. Gotta represent!

Click on any of the items below to see other great products in the same design.


If vampires and werewolves can get along, why can’t everyone?

vampires and werewolve shirtvampires and werewolves shirt

Who cares about Edward or Jacob? Be Team Victoria!

team victoria shirtteam victoria shirt

Even funny girls need a hero:


And, because we often take our own success and world for granted:

Great gifts for graduates this Spring, as well as a great reminder!

success quote mousepadsuccess quote shirt

It is. It really is. 😉

metaphor quote magnetmetaphor quote mug

How we all know this to be true:

easy reading is damn hard writing mousepadeasy reading is damn hard writing shirt

This slogan doesn’t need any explaining. 😉

what came first? the writing or the drinking? mousepadwhat came first? the writing or the drinking? mousepad

We couldn’t resist… Comes in hot pink too!
i suffer from writer's butt undiesi suffer from writer's butt undies

writing is a form of schizophrenia mousepadwriting is a form of schizophrenia travel mug

Our characters are real! (To us anyway…)

For those moments when your characters stop chattering.

We may talk to ourselves, but it’s all part of the job. Am I right?

For those moments of denial…

For all you editors out there!

Fan of Boss Cowboy? Who isn’t?

Love cupcakes like most writers? Why not tell the world to, “Frost this!”

For those of us who know we need help:

For the book lover on your gift list:

Going to RWA Nationals this year? Check out our gear:

We’re craaaaazzzzzaaaayyyyyyy!

Overcome your own mountain.

Are you an eavesdropping author? Take notes in our tongue-in-cheek journal:

Hey, look! Our logo! Ain’t it cute?

Love young adult lit? Tell the world with our Luv YA mugs, notebooks, etc!

That age old question…

But what would you DO for Chocolate?

Have you created your own genre? Do you declare yourself as grouped with the Greek Classics and Hemingway? NO?

You know you want some writerly bumper stickers!

Nashville or BUST

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If none of our designs strike your fancy, but you'd still like to donate to the FUNd Raiser, you can do so by clicking the button below: Thanks so much for getting us to Nationals!

Some Of Fun Friends With RY Stuff

